Dropshipping | Private label | White Label shoe Manufacturing

Manufacturing your Eco-Friendly Shoes


In the new age of Internet the concept of dropshipping has emerged as a potential  very attractive business concept. On the surface, seems a great business model. You find a brand, a wholesaler or a manufacturer ask them to display their product on your own website apply  a profit margin and with no inventory risks, you are earning rivers of money. Unfortunately,  business world is not so easy.

As mentioning before the concept is simple. You have a website, you make a deal with a third party supplier, you don’t stock inventory, you simply ship from the supplier directly to your customer.

The main advantage of this business model, is that there are no big risks involved. You don’t stock inventory, so investments in advance are not needed and you don’t need warehouse to stock your products. However, not all is great in the dropshipping world.
First issue you will face is with dropshipping is the big volume of e-commerce businesses selling the same product and brands as you are. This means for buyers to find you, will need to invest in SEO or advertising campaigns.
With SEO you might doing great, but time spending is incredible high and difficult. Marketing campaigns can achieve faster results, but do not forget you are are competing with a big number of others sellers with the exact same product you have, so you will need to beat them with your price offer – and low down your margins.  Finally, to complicate it even more mots of your suppliers will place the product available to you at retail price, this means you need to apply your margin to a price that  is seen already as right by the producer and possibly by the customer as well.

source rangeme.com

Private & White Label Shoe Manufacturing

If looking for something unique, creating a business model matched with your values and with your own identity – opting by your own shoe brand can be an interesting option. The shoe will have a logo, a label or something that identifies the product as being yours and “your creation”. This is great to mark the difference among your competitors. Stores selling Adidas, New Balance or Veja are thousands, so at the end if you invest with wholesale buying this brands, you will be able to get better margins that with dropshipping, but a sea of seller with the same products as yours will still be there. Even if you have a physical store, it is possible your retail neighbour sell the same product as yourself.

This is the gap, private label shoe manufacturing try to fill. You find a distributer or manufacturer with a valuable collections of shoe style, that you can choose and place with your brand. You just need to choose the models already developed by the shoe company and choose the way you want to brand/customize the shoe with your own brand. Comparing with shoe manufacturing development, it will cost you less money and much less time to get the things started.

Private Label Treec Detail
Prevate Label Treec Detail

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